Friday, August 13, 1999

Missing Eddie

I was missing Eddie today.  The morning began with feeling just a little blue. As the day progressed, I was full out pining for his company. At least that is what I chose to focus my melancholy outlook onto.

It was all over the place. I felt like calling him and telling him that I was missing him at one point during the day. At another time, I felt insecure that he left me and chose his work “over me”.  I even had weird food cravings of pot stickers that we used to order at a Chinese restaurant on 7th Ave in NYC.

I replayed my favorite memories of us down here in the Caribbean. The super romantic moments, in which we stood under the blanket of starlight sky and he declared we were soul mates. I laughed about the time he was imitating me mixing my metaphors. I longed for his touch and kiss.  I wanted him to be impressed with me and with how I have been surviving since he left.

Then I wanted him to be missing me and it really hurt. I felt so sad and lonely. I cried as I tended the sugar peas in the farm. At a certain point I thought that I was not going to be able to go on without him.

Then I recognized the unmistakable feelings. You can escape to an island, but you cannot escape PMS. 

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